Be our partner! What are LPED investments used for?
Business Development
LPED serves as the primary source for companies looking to move to or expand in Lincoln and works with economic development allies to attract new investment that will benefit our community.
Business Retention & Expansion
LPED develops programs, including the ongoing Business Retention & Expansion Survey, that identify and overcome barriers to encourage a growth oriented business climate.
Entrepreneurship & Innovation
The support and development of entrepreneurs is crucial to a community’s success in today’s innovative environment. The Partnership supports the startup ecosystem in a variety of ways such as coordinating and funding JumpStart Challenge, Hour of Code, 1 Million Cups, Startup Week and many other events.
The Partnership is dedicated to addressing your talent needs. Lincoln is filled with dedicated and innovative workers and we are on a mission to keep them located here. LPED has a staff member that is focused on the continual task of matching talent with Lincoln’s ever-expanding industries, in addition to retaining the incredible talent that already exists in our city.